Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Medieval Party

On Friday, the Medieval party beigns!!!!
There will be a special room for members only.....
so members, have fun while it lasts.
Also on Friday, there will be a new play at the stage...yay
Have fun and be sure to some back to the blog for more party updates!!:)

Fun Glitches

Hey Guyz!! Im going to tell u some glitches!!!!!!
Glitch 1: how to talk while holding the newspaper,
First bring up the newspaper
Second click we need you!
Third click on submit a queston
Fourth click on submit
Then click back to the home page
Now Press tab
Make sure u go to the end of the room so u can see your self talk with the newspaper!:)

Glitch 2: how to walk on the walkways,
Just walk over on to the walkway then while walkingclick on your mail, now wait ten seconds then exit out of it. you should be on the walkway!!:)

Glitch 3:how to walk on walls ( ppl cant see you)
First get really get close to the place you want to walk on
now click on zoom level
click on 600
now click on the building your close to
then exit out of zoom mode
You should be on the wall!!!!!!!!!!
Thats all for now. Have fun!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Smiley Face Cheats

Have you ever wondered how to make those smiley faces without clicking anything? Well, if you have been wondering, I can show you how(:

Here's some cheats for the March catalog!

Funny Clubpenguin Comics!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Penguin Play Awards!!!!

The Golden Penguin Award is at the backstage....
AT the stage, you can watch video clips of plays from earlier this year,
HAVE FUN... being movie stars. .



Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy St. Patrix Day!!!!!!!!!!

Happy St. Patrix day have fun at the party.
the new pin is at the mountain,
if u r a member, then there is a room at the forest where u can get a free item,
the hat is at the coffee shop,
see yal l8tr
from dr zeanon and mr hartwood8

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Brand Spank'n New Blog

About the Authors: Dr Zeanon and Mr Hartwood8

We are 2 peoples who love clubpneguin. We both got to meet Aunt Arctic, G, Rockhopper (and Yarr), The clubpenguin Band, Candace, and every body else!

We are soo new to blogging, so this is our fist blog we hope u like it!:)

Have fun in Clubpenguin!!!